
The certificates we have are our obligation in

the implementation of high standards we strive for in our daily work.

FSC® - Forest Stewardship Council®


International Forest Management Council

FSC-C134678 – guarantees our clients that our technological processes meet the social, environmental and economic rules and standards in the supply chain. This certificate implies that only certified timber is used in the entire production process, from the forest to end user. The FSC code provides assurance that the final/end product can be traced to the source itself.

More on the official website fsc.org



Wood pellet is a biofuel produced mainly from sawmill residues (sawdust and chips). They are used as fuel for heating systems in residual buildings and in industry. ENPlus standard covers the whole supply chain, from raw material selection to the end user.

ENPlus standards, especially in A1 quality prescribe the control of more than 20 most important components that pellets must meet. In additon to product quality control, this standard also prescribes the ways of packaging and labeling of the final product.

More at the official website enplus-pellets.eu

Project information:

Project title: Increasing competitiveness and efficiency of FINVEST CORP using information
General objective: Strengthening the market position, increasing competitiveness and efficiency of
SME operations using information and communication technology and supporting the development of
the information society in the Republic of Croatia.
Specific objectives: Increase of domestic and foreign market, development of business processes of
the FINVEST CORP d.d. company.
Total project value: 618,827.50 HRK
EU co-financing: 329,862.39 HRK
Project implementation period: 01.10.2019.- 01.01.2021.
Contact person: Silvio Galić


Year of establishment: 1993
Activity NKD 16.21 Manufacture of veneer and other wood plates
Competent court: Commercial Court in Rijeka
Contact: uprava@finvestcorp.hr
Telephone number: +38598299030
Management Board:
Board President: Damir Kelava
Board member: Daniel Smiljanić
Board member: Oleg Uskoković
Contact: uprava@finvestcorp.hr
Telephone number: +38598299030
Supervisor Board Chairman: Tanja Kragulj Mežnarić

Company information

Company share capital: 154,437,750 HRK
Number of shares issued: 617,751
Share Code: FNVC-R-A
Giro account:
OTP banka d.d. IBAN: HR8924070001100066527
21000 Split, Croatia
Domovinskog rata 61

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund